When you get New Berlin, WI replacement windows you want to make sure you are keeping them clean and looking nice. Nobody wants to see mold growing on their new windows, but if those windows face the north and there happens to be a lot of trees nearby, you may notice they have green growth on them. It is possible to clean your windows quickly and easily to ensure they look good and perform well. You can clean them as often as needed and should keep these tips and suggestions in mind to help make them look like new again.
Soft Cloth
Because most windows have some texture, it means the mold can easily grow in the creases and wrinkles even though you can’t see them.. That can make it hard to get the windows clean with regular wiping. It’s a good idea to use a soft cloth to clean the windows. You can fill up a spray bottle with water and soap and then spray it onto the windows and wipe with the cloth until the mold breaks lose and is easier to rinse off. You can use a bucket of water if you choose.
Power Washing
You never want to power wash your windows with a hard stream of water as this could cause them to crack, weaken and break. If you have a power washer that has a very low spray setting, you can use it to clean the mold from the windows Power washers are the thing for the job. You can use them with different types of soap and tips to help break down the mold so it will come off easily and then wipe the windows dry when you are finished.

New Windows
Seeing mold growing on your windows can be disheartening, but it doesn’t mean you can’t clean them properly. If you find that you can’t get the mold from your windows or if it has been on them too long and has stained them, you may want to consider buying new windows. You can find windows that match the ones you already have or some that look completely new. New windows may still get mold growth so you will need to keep them clean and check them often to ensure the mold is not growing on them and getting out of control.
Buying New Berlin, WI replacement windows is a good investment for your home and one that you will enjoy for many years. After a while, you may notice that your windows become dirty or even get green with mold. This is common and it is something most people deal with. There are ways to keep your windows clean including those mentioned above. You may also find a way that you like better. If you are ready to buy new windows you can reach out to HomeSealed Exteriors, LLC for help with all your replacement window questions and needs. Give us a call today to learn more.
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