When you are working on making your home look great, you may be trying to paint the exterior to make it look better. You don’t want to take a chance of getting paint on your windows. There are a lot of different ways you can protect your windows from getting paint on them. Your new windows likely mean a lot to you so it makes sense that you want to protect them. Here are some ways you can keep your New Berlin, WI replacement windows clean and paint-free.
Cover Them With Plastic
You can cover the windows with plastic to help block off the glass so they won’t get pain on them. You can simply use the same type of plastic you would use inside to protect your furniture and belongings, but instead of lying it on the ground, you will need to tape it to the windows. Make sure the plastic only covers the glass so you can still paint around the windows to ensure everything is covered but the window glass is safe.
If you are going to be painting a large area of the exterior and need to protect your windows from the paint, you can always put boards up to them. You can find old pallets or just trim down some scrap wood that you already have to make sure they cover the entire window and are the right shape and size. This will prevent any paint from getting on the windows if you are painting nearby. It can also allow you to paint larger areas at one time with a sprayer since you know there won’t be a reason to worry about the paint splatter getting on to the glass.

Paint First
If you know you will be installing new windows in your home and also want to paint your home at some point, it may be better to pain it first. You can paint while the old windows are still installed or you can remove them and simply block off the openings while you paint. Once the pain is dry, you can focus on installing the replacement windows. This will ensure both projects get done and that your windows look new and great. This is much easier than covering every new window and there is no risk that you could still leak paint on the glass.
If you are thinking about planning a home renovation and you are ready to buy new windows for your home, you may want to make sure your painting is already done. If you do need to paint during the project, be sure to keep the above tips in mind to keep your new windows save and clean. If you are ready to buy New Berlin, WI replacement windows, be sure to reach out to Home Sealed Exteriors. We are happy to assist you in choosing and installing the right windows for your home.
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