If you have recently purchased New Berlin, WI replacement windows you may be doing your best to keep them clean and looking nice. One of the things that are an issue with any window new and old is cobwebs. These are a dusty type of cobweb that usually forms in the corners of walls and windows. They are sticky and hard to remove and they seem to grow larger each day they are left alone. They can also trap dirt, dust, and insects, which can make your windows unsightly. If you have recently purchased new windows and want to keep the cobwebs out of them, be sure to keep these tips in mind.
Dust Often
Cobwebs seem to be worse in homes that have a lot of dust. While you may clean often if you are not dusting your windows enough the dust could gather in the form of cobwebs. If you are tired of seeing them form in your windows, you have the ability to reduce them by dusting your windows often. You can use a damp cloth or just use a dust rag to wipe them down daily to reduce dust and cobwebs.
Spiders are just as responsible for cobwebs as dust so if you want to reduce the cobwebs in your home you need to get rid of the spiders. You may not want to remove the spiders from your home completely, as they can help reduce the number of flies and other nuisance insects in your home. Instead, you can just deter them from your windows. Use cloves or cinnamon and burn them around your windows to make the spiders go elsewhere so there won’t be any cobwebs in the corners of your windows.

Just cleaning your windows often can help reduce the cobwebs. Wipe down the glass and your windows sills often to remove the dust and any insects that may be lingering there. If spiders are trying to make their home there, they may not like the constant cleaning or the scent of the cleaning products. This can persuade them to go elsewhere so they won’t be building webs in your windows. It will also reduce the dust and grime that can get caught in the cobwebs and make them look worse and also make them grow faster.
If you are interested in getting New Berlin, WI replacement windows and you want to make sure they look nice and don’t have any cobwebs, there are things you can do to reduce them. Some of those things are listed above. You can also come up with other ways to stay on top of the cobwebs to avoid the unsightliness of them. If you need help choosing the right windows for your home, you can reach out to HomeSealed Exteriors, LLC. We are here to help you choose your windows and make sure they look great in your home. Stop by or give us a call to learn more about our windows.
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