If you have recently purchased Pewaukee, WI replacement windows and are worried that they are starting to show some mold growth on them, you might be wondering what you can do to reduce it. You may not be able to stop mold from appearing on your new windows, but there are ways to remove it easily and prevent it from coming back as quickly. Mold growth can be a part of life but here are some tips that can help you ensure your new windows are always look great and functioning as they should.
Pressure Wash
You want to be careful when pressure washing your new windows as the pressure could be too much and it could break or crack the windows. You can use a very light pressure to rinse off the mold that is growing on the windows. You should also be sure to pressure wash the siding around the windows as the mold will likely be growing here as well. If you don’t remove the mold from the area around the windows, it will allow it to grow back on the windows quickly.
Clean Often
If you have windows that are particularly prone to mold growth, it could be the way they are facing or the plants that are around them. If there are trees that are near these windows, it could increase the amount of mold that grow there. Areas that stay wet and damp are also more likely to have mold growth as well. You will need to clean these windows more often than others. As soon as you see a sign of green mold on the windows, remove it. Mold will spread if it is left to do so and removing it will reduce the speed that it grows.

Remove Plants
Mold tends to grow near trees and behind objects. It prefers damp and dark spaces. If any of your window are having more mold growth than others, you might want to consider what is around them. If you have a lot of plants or even things such as patio furniture and fountains, it could be causing the mold to grow. Consider moving these objects somewhere else to help prevent the mold from growing or spreading the on windows. You can protect your windows and ensure that the mold is not likely to grow on them or to spread as quickly. This will give you less work and ensure your windows look great.
If you are noticing mold growing on your windows and you want to be able to keep them clean and clear, you have a lot of ways you can do that. You can use the above tips to ensure that your Pewaukee, WI replacement windows are clean and clear. If you are ready to buy new windows for your home, be sure to reach out to Home Sealed Exteriors. We are happy to help you choose the right windows for your home and offers tips for caring for them.
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