If you have recently purchased Pewaukee, WI replacement windows you may be worried about protecting them in the event of bad weather. Most areas are not prone to serious storms, but they can occur and when they do, they could cause damage to your windows if you have not protected them. There are a few different ways you can do this and ensure that your windows make it through the storms and bad weather and come out looking as good as new. Here are some things to keep in mind when protecting your windows.
You might not like the thought of boarding up your windows but if you want to protect them, this is one way to do it. You want to make sure you are attaching the boards to the structure of the home and not just putting them against the windows. They will help block out debris that could blow against the windows and cause damage to them. If the wood is not secured properly though, it could become just as dangerous and be blown into the windows just the same.
If you aren’t expecting extreme weather but you are worried that the wind could stir up dirt, rocks, leaves and other things that could damage your windows, you can protect them with screens. You can find screens to fit your windows perfectly so you know they will block out any of the small and lightweight debris that could be blown against them. You can also make screens if you need to do so. Screens are easy to install and can be taken out if you want to remove them and have the simple look of your windows after the bad weather has passed.

Shutters can be added to your windows and opens and closed as needed. If you are worried that bad weather may be approaching and you want to protect your windows, you can simply close the shutters. Most have latches on them so they can be locked and you won’t have to worry about large limbs and sticks hitting the windows and damaging them. When the storm or bad weather is over, you can unlatch and open up the shutters and let the light back in your home while knowing your windows are safe.
If you are planning to get Pewaukee, WI replacement windows and are wondering how you will protect them in the event of bad weather, don’t worry. There are plenty of ways you can protect your windows and ensure they are safe and look great for many years. The above suggestions are just a few of those ways. You can also come up with other ways that work better for you. If you need help choosing your new windows, be sure to reach out to HomeSealed Exteriors, LLC. We are here to help with all your window needs and questions. Call us or stop by today to learn more.
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